
 We believe in

human capital.

At THRIVEinMind, we share a passion for life-long learning, adaptive change leadership and a systemic approach to facilitating transformation and growth in people.




We partner with our clients: leaders and teams, in creating positive, system-wide change & human-centred transformation.

Our big goal is to help enable and shape leadership of the future. We aim to support the development of impactful, purposeful, adaptive and future-ready organisations who can thrive with complexity and uncertainty.

THRIVEinMind Leadership is a boutique human capital consultancy focused on change leadership and organisational, executive, team development.

We deliver transformative, human-centred, results-driven and systemic interventions to help harness the best out of leaders and their teams, so they can impact enduring positive change.

We offer a multi-disciplinary approach, blending leadership & coaching psychology, emotion and motivation science, systems psychodynamics, group relations, adult learning and design thinking.

Lead Coach Facilitator

Aurora Aritao, PCC, EMOrgPsych

“I see good leadership as upside down and inside out. I see it as distributed, contextual and dynamic.

The individuals and teams who endure are those who can effortlessly tap into their inner source, able to unlearn and rethink.

Organizations who thrive are those with ‘authentizotic’ culture based on trust.”

Aurora is an organisational consultant, PCC level executive coach with the ICF and systemic team dynamics coach with extensive prior experience managing product portfolios for MNCs like Microsoft and the Vodafone Group.

After 15 years in tech product marketing, Aurora re-tooled to focus on understanding further the human dimension of organizational change: the art and science of developing leaders and teams who can endure the challenges of our time.

Aurora holds an Executive Master in Change, Clinical Individual and Organizational Psychology with INSEAD Business School, a learning path that goes deep into the basic drivers of human behaviour and the hidden dynamics of groups and organisations.

Today, Aurora partners with leaders and teams using a transformative approach fuelled by her interests in emotions, motivation, culture, change & transformation, group dynamics and adaptive leadership. Aurora’s team clients include GSMA, QBE and Nomura.

self-portrait as a tool for deep reflection and visioning

Our Guiding Principles